113年6月13日(四)12:00-13:30研討會Cultivating a Career in International Arbitration(實體及線上同步/英文進行)


本會ADR委員會、特許仲裁學會東亞分會臺灣支會青年事務委員會與眾才國際律師事務所,將於2024年6月13日(四)12:00-13:30共同舉辦研討會Cultivating a Career in International Arbitration,敬請各位律師踴躍報名。

每一位深耕國際仲裁領域的仲裁人,都擁有專屬自己的獨特職涯發展路徑。他們或許偏重學術或實務,亦可能從不同專業領域出發。這些多元路徑所帶來的選項、挑戰與潛在收穫各不相同。本次特許仲裁學會台灣支會青年事務委員會(Ciarb Taiwan YMG)很榮幸邀請到兩位資深會員,馬若梅博士與方兆文博士,與我們分享他們的經驗。兩位講者來自不同法域,以不同專業領域為起點在國際仲裁領域深耕多年,且無論在學術及實務上都有非凡成就。同時,也邀請到張詩芸律師/資深會員與陳希佳特許仲裁人擔任致詞嘉賓。於本場分享會中,他們將與我們分享如何在國際仲裁領域找到自己的職涯方向,並在這條道路上做出選擇、應對挑戰,同時累積收穫。本場活動採實體及線上同步,並將以英語進行。

*活動時間: 113613日(四)12:00–13:30




聯絡人:陳小姐yuhsi.chen@triadr.com; +886 2 2718 1932分機23


Professionals active in the sphere of international arbitration often have career paths unique in their own ways. They may adopt academic or practical approaches or may have different starting points in accordance with different specializations. These diverse career paths obviously lead to different options, challenges, and potential gains. To facilitate early preparation, Ciarb Taiwan YMG proudly invites two FCIArb members, Dr. Winnie Jo-Mei Ma FCIArb and Dr. David Fong FCIArb, to share their experiences. Both distinguished speakers have cultivated careers in international arbitration for years, starting from different areas of interest at different jurisdictions, and have also attained remarkable achievements in research and practice. In addition, we have also invited Alison Chang FCIArb and Dr. Helena Chen C.Arb FCIArb to deliver opening and closing remarks. In this sharing session, the speakers will share with us how they navigate their journeys in international arbitration, and how they have made choices, faced challenges, and harvested gains along the way. This sharing session is a hybrid event and will be conducted in English.


ADR Committee of Taiwan Bar Association

Taiwan Chapter YMG of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators EAB

Chen& Chang, Attorneys-at-Law

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5317148120706/WN_Bb_5gySPQuem3OgCrj8XlA